Anti Inflammatory Meals Delivered
All you have to do is eat!
Service Description
Nourish your body with delicious and vibrant meals delivered to your door. Overhauling your entire diet is overwhelming, especially if you have other people in the home who do not desire to make a change, or if you are too busy to cook whole foods from scratch, and it is especially hard to make any changes if you love the way you eat and fear missing out on your favourite foods. With this plan you will receive breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks delivered to your door twice a week. Whole foods, cooked from scratch that are flavourful and satisfying. Meaningful change takes time. I believe if delicious food arrives and all you have to do is eat it, then it will be easy to stick to it long enough to feel the change. I also believe the change will be so dramatically good that you will have no problem incorporating the diet as a permanent lifestyle. Feel your body thrive as you calm inflammation, lessen pain and heal from the inside out.
Erin Malin Food
Comox B.C.
416 992-2442
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